Work is like a drag these days.
I have not been working at full efficiency. hmm.... probably it is because there are too many changes, and there is not enough people to do the job. and most of them, is the toilet job.
I wish to do it, but there are a lot of other important stuff to attend to. hmm... one of them is the promotion. Duh. I really sometime wish the top guys up there can co-ordinate things in good shape. sometime, I was really at a loss of what is it that they want, and I can understand that sometime, they have no choice, because client sometime changes their mind often.
But still, the promotion goes on smoothly, except for one glitch, which is the power supply is cut off at the wrong time. hmm.... there is no notice on that. :P
Food Poisoned
Anyway, went to eat lunch, a very expensive lunch. but somehow, I dunno is it the lunch or breakfast, that made me puke twice today. the tummy is also not very good. Food poisoning??
After taking a pulse, I pope two wonder pills, Charcoal pills into the tummy, and wait for the effect. and right now, the heart is still beating fast......I have reached a conclusion because this morning, I have specific breakfast.
First in the morning, it is the Mega Sausage Mc muffin from mac donald. hmm... couldn't be this, because if there is, Mc really gonna get it. Then, the department head treat me roti prata. hmm... couldn't be this either, because there are three other people eating it.
Then, we go for lunch together, and get veggie, waffles. and we shared this, so it couldn't be this. and one thing it poped me. "Seafood Yaki Soba"? Could this be the one? This is the only food that I eat alone, and no one else got it, except me. hmm.... I really wonder. Anyway, since there is no direct proof, I think I better let it be bygone, and concentrate in pushing all the bad stuff out. Duh~
This shop is officially in my black book now, because I really have a very bad stomachache now.Dun wanna tell you where. Wait kana sue.
Old Man Driving
This is one picture that I personally like. An old man driving car. I think it could be a classic, because I thought of this pose, after thinking to myself how would I look 40 or 50 years from now. haha. It is taken in Adelaide, the Adelaide Motor Museum. It is in Adelaide Hills very far away from the city, but it houses a lot of cars, classic and even have Ford's very first car inside too.
Just imagine, the real car itself, instead of watching it from Charlie Chaplin show.
And another of my favourite. The number 1 tycoon trophy that I achieved from the facebook game: Be A Tycoon.
It is a very interesting game, where you can buy low sell high, and compete with people all over the world to get the final triumph. haha. It seems like a never ending game, because the money fluctuate very often. Gotta watch the marlet price carefully
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