Braked for selfish person
Last Saturday, I had to do a lot of chores, and one of the most tedious job, is to sell of some of my scrap metal.
This is one of the most difficult stuff, because I have to cycle with a lot of scrap metals with me. And since it is a very far place, to somewhere in Senoko, I took the second bicycle, and move on.
At one junction, I was so disgusted with one very selfish and inconsiderate person, who look for free parking. In the middle of the pedestrian road. If I was cycling in my best bike, cruising away, I reall have to stop for this guy. As I got off, and have to navigate my bicycle to the middle of the road, because the grassland is really dangerous with the water ponding there.
After I got to the other side, there are two cyclist stopping down just to carry the bicycle to the other side of the road.
Feeling very disgust about his way, I took a snap of his vehicle, and post it online.
I do not send it to the traffic police for this, even though he have committed an offence, since there is a no parking sign there. There is a huge carpark just across the road, and he seems to be lazy to go there to park his gigantic vehicle.
Anyway, I have heard my friend said that to report such a driver, one have to take down the whole description, and make time available to attend court session, and fill up a lot of forms. As with all this hussle, it would really deter people from reporting the inconsiderate drivers.
Sometime, I really wonder, traffic police have been giving rewards, to good driver, how come they don't give punishment to rude drivers? Anyway, I believe the traffic police have been doing a very great job in helping to keep the traffic smooth and running on the road.
Last word is I hope this driver park there often, as a chinese saying goes, Climb mountain more, and you will meet a tiger. I hope the traffic police will give him a huge summon for this, causing us pedestrian to choose a dangerous alternatives, to walk to the middle of the road, just to avoid his big truck.
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