Command and Conquer Kane's Wrath
Hong Kong
Seen the previous picture? It is taken from HK, which happens to be one of the best picture I think it is nice. How I wish I could go to HK, and to add salt to the wounds, they went to disneyland as well.
4 years ago, when I went to HK, I missed out the disneyland, because they are under construction. now it is opened, I still did not managed to get a go for it.
This is all because I have to save my leave for the upcoming trip......Australia. Plans are been made ahead, and if I go for the HK trip, I will nto get a chance to go to australia.
Each time I hear how my aunt describe beautiful the australia is, I feel so looking forward to go for it.
The most stuff I would miss in HK would be the eating and eating. But now, I could only see them eat...
Command and Conquer Kane's Wrath
Kane's wrath, is one of the expansion for the command and conquer tiberium war. I am so looking forward for it, because the tiberium war is really awesome. The effect of the CG is extremely good. Now the new expansion is out, and now, it comes with the Razor mouse with it at a smaller prize.
Does anyone play kane's wrath yet? hope to get some review for it. Is it worth the value? I hope it is because it describe of new units, and new scenario, and new faction.
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